Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Tomato sandwich.

Roma tomato, cream cheese, bleu cheese dressing, basil, oregano, salt and freshly cracked black pepper on whole wheat toast. I have been a huge fan of tomato sandwiches ever since that one movie with the chick from Matilda and maybe Rosie O'Donnell? I don't remember the title, nor do I think I watched the whole thing, but the Matilda chick ate a tomato sandwich and commented on how she was weird because she didn't have meat on it. I thought it sounded good, so I tried it. One more instance in which television promotes culinary experimentation.

Or just makes me hungry.


  1. Harriet the Spy!!!!! We should watch that AND make those when I visit.

  2. Mmmm. I also like the concept of tomato sandwiches, and I think this sounds like the most delicious tomato sandwich in history.
