Monday, August 9, 2010


Wednesday, July 28

"Oreo" cake.

Went to Dave & Lola Todd's for dinner. After a deliciously massive (and massively delicious) meal, Lola provided us with an "Oreo" cake, so named because of the layer of vanilla cake between two layers of chocolate cake. In this picture, Janice Walsh was kind of enough to provide a sense of scale; to say this cake was huge would be some large kind of understatement.

I've formed a nasty habit of deliberately going to dinner parties without my I had to rely on my trusty phone for this shot. It won't happen again.

It probably will.

1 comment:

  1. My hand really doesn't show the true scale. Think of a 9x13 cake. This is three of them; each layer is one. That cake was so big that they are probably still eating it.
